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Healing with Rutilated Quartz

♥  Protection ♥ Determination ♥ Self-control ♥ Strength of will ♥ Self-reliance ♥ Firmness

Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth.  It cleanses and energises the aura. 

Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past.  Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others. 

It helps to reach the root of problems and facilitates transitions and a change of direction.  Soothes dark moods and acts as an antidepressant. 

Rutilated Quartz relieves fears, phobias and anxiety.  Promotes forgiveness at all levels.

Rutilated Quartz absorbs mercury poisoning from nerves, muscles, blood and the intestinal tract. 

It is helpful for chronic conditions and for impotence and infertility.  Aids exhaustion and lack of energy. 

Rutilated Quartz treats respiratory tract and bronchitis, stimulates and balances the thyroid.  It stimulates cell regeneration and repairs torn tissue.

Healing with Unakite

♥  Balances physical emotions ♥ Grounding

Unakite is a stone of vision.  It balances emotions with spirituality. 

Unakite provides grounding when needed.  It facilitates rebirthing, gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth.

Unakite supports convalescence and recovery from major illness. 

It treats the reproductive system and stimulates healthy pregnancies while facilitating the health of the unborn child. 

Unakite enhances weight gain, where required and aids the growth of skin tissue and hair.

Healing with Petrified Wood

♥ Good fortune ♥ Stability ♥ Security ♥ Strength ♥ Longevity ♥ Grounding ♥ Calmness ♥ Wisdom

Petrified Wood is a stone of transformation.  It assists one to advance to ones highest chosen level. 

Helps to make one feel safe and secure, calming down survival based fears. 

Petrified Wood assists in setting a pace and staying with that pace all day long. 

It is useful for bringing patience to those in a process of slow inner transformation, and for bringing that change to fruition. 

Petrified Wood strengthens one’s backbone, physically and in terms of self-will. 

It is beneficial to the skeletal system, skin and hair.

Healing with Lava

♥ Dream work ♥  Enhancing creativity ♥ Communication ♥ Cleansing negativity

Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one’s connection to Mother Earth.

It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change.  It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to “bounce back”.

A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger.  It promotes positive changes where needed in behavioural issues.

Lava Stone enhances fertility.

In addition, Lava Stone is a wonderful aromatherapy essential oil diffuser.  Simply add a few drops of your favourite essential oil and enjoy the added therapeutic benefits it brings.

Healing with Shungite

♥ Emotional and spiritual support ♥ Meditation ♥ Clarity of mind ♥ Stress relief ♥ Water purification ♥ Emf protection

It protects you from electromagnetic frequency (EMFs). Obviously, everyone today is surrounded by technology and electronics (sup, iPhone). “We walk around in an ocean of electromagnetic Wi-Fi waves.Shungite attenuates electromagnetic emissions from electrical grids, computers, cell-phones, Wi-Fi, appliances, and other electronic devices—meaning shungite transforms harmful manmade EMFs into wave forms that are more compatible with our biology.”

IIt can purify water. This is all due to the crystal’s carbon content. “Shungite’s high carbon content acts as a natural high-filtering capacity for water.Shungite can alter water by purifying and energizing it plus enriching it with minerals. The water it filters contains natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, which makes it beneficial to our cells and tissues, along with our immune function.” There’s even science that backs up shungite for water purification, noting that it raises calcium, oxygen, magnesium, and other essential mineral content to your basic H2O.

It can help you feel grounded. Shungite’s beneficial for your first, second, and third chakras. “Shungite is known for its ability to help heal your lower chakras,” she says. “You may hear it called the ‘miracle stone’ or ‘stone of life’ as it’s a catalyst for growth, transformation, and positive change. It mainly focuses its energy on the first or root chakra, giving us a stronger connection to the earth, AKA feeling grounded.” She adds that it is also known to help vanquish negative energies and thoughts, promote mental clarity, increase personal power, and alleviate spiritual imbalances.

How to work with shungite: There are various ways to harness the benefits of the healing crystal. One is to wear it. “Direct or indirect contact with the skin are both safe and recommended. “Wearing shungite as a necklace, bracelet, ring, or keeping it in your purse or pocket is great.” You can also work its EMF-fighting powers: “It’s a great idea to keep shungite in the house and other spaces where electronics are present,” she says, recommending spots like next to your microwave, TV, or computer.

Healing with Tiger Eye

♥ Protection ♥ Clear thinking ♥ Personal empowerment ♥ Integrity ♥ Willpower ♥ Practicality ♥ Grounding ♥ Power ♥ Courage ♥ Grace

A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer.

It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions.

Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety.

Useful for recognising one’s own needs in relation to the needs of others.

Balancing yin-yang and energising the emotional body, Tiger Eye stabilises mood swings, imbues us with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence, and releases tension.

Tiger Eye treats eyes, throat and reproductive organs, releases toxins, alleviates pain and is helpful in repairing broken bones and strengthening the alignment of the spinal column.

Healing with Clear Quartz

♥ Harmony ♥ Energy ♥ Healing ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Clarity ♥ Calmness

Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.

It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy.

Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.

It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.

Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.

Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities.  It aids concentration and unlocks memory.

Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.  Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.

Healing with Amazonite

♥ Inspires truth ♥ Sincerity ♥ Honour ♥ Self-love ♥ Communication ♥ Eloquence ♥ Integrity ♥ Trust ♥ Clairvoyance ♥ Clarity ♥ Prophecy ♥ Psychic vision

Amazonite is a soothing stone.  It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health.

Balances the masculine and feminine energies.  Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view.

It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear.  Dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system.

Amazonite assists in manifesting universal love.  It protects against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwaves.

Amazonite is beneficial in osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency and calcium deposits.  It relieves muscle spasms.

Healing with Smokey Quartz

♥ Serenity ♥ Calmness ♥ Positive thoughts ♥ Calms fear ♥ Lifts depression ♥ Stability ♥ Practicality ♥ Intuition ♥ Pride

In addition to the generic healing properties of Quartz, Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone.

It gently neutralises negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog.

Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity.

It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.

Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies.  Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams.

Smokey Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties.

Smokey Quartz dissolves cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves.  It is particularly effective for abdomen, hips and legs.

Relieves headaches, back pain, eases muscular spasms.  Smokey Quartz benefits the reproductive system, the heart, muscles and nerve tissue.

It regulates liquids within the body and aids assimilation of minerals.

Healing with Amber

♥ Romantic love ♥ Purification ♥ Cleansing ♥ Healing ♥ Energy ♥ Joy ♥ Enhances patience ♥ Draws negative energy from the body ♥ Balance ♥ Strength ♥ Spontaneity ♥ Wisdom ♥ Promotes good luck and success

Amber is a powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit.  It also cleanses the environment.

Amber draws disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system and balancing the right and left parts of the brain.

It absorbs pain and negative energy, helping to alleviate stress.  Amber clears depression, stimulates the intellect and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression.

It encourages decision-making, spontaneity and brings wisdom, balance and patience.

Amber opens the throat centre, treating goiters and other throat problems.

It also treats stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder.  Amber strengthens the mucus membranes and alleviates joint problems.

Healing with Amethyst

♥ Increases nobility ♥ Spiritual awareness ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Inner peace and healing ♥ Healing of body, mind & soul ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Meditation ♥ Balance ♥ Relieves stress ♥ Communication

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone.

It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others.  Amethyst is a natural tranquiliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety.

Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity.  Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.

It has strong healing and cleansing powers.  Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions.

It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation.

Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams.  It relieves insomnia.  Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.

Amethyst boosts hormone production, tunes the endocrine system and metabolism.  It strengthens the immune system, reduces pain and strengthens the body to fight against cancer.

It destroys malignant tumours and aids in tissue regeneration.  Cleanses the blood.  Relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress.

Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension.  It reduces bruising, swellings, injuries, and treats hearing disorders.

Amethyst heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders and diseases of the digestive tract.

Healing with Ametrine

♥ Relieves stress ♥ Spiritual growth and awareness ♥ Creativity ♥ Healing of body, mind and soul ♥ Strength and alignment ♥ Balance

Ametrine calms the mind by clearing stress and tension from the head.

Balances and soothes emotions and relieves depression.

Ametrine overcomes prejudice by enhancing compatibility and acceptance of others.

It stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one’s own life.

Strengthens concentration, bringing clarity, and harmonising perception and action.

Ametrine instigates change and eases transition.

Ametrine strengthens the immune system and aids the autonomic nervous system.

It heals physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.

Alleviates allergies and digestive disorders.

Healing with Apatite

♥ Intellect ♥ Focus ♥ Learning ♥ Clarity of concentration ♥ Acceptance ♥ Unconditional Love ♥ Stimulates thoughts & ideas ♥ Communication ♥ Intellectual pursuits ♥ Peace and harmony ♥ Fights viruses

Apatite is a stone of manifestation.  It is related to service and to humanitarian pursuits.

Apatite is attuned to the future, yet connects to past lives.

It stimulates the development of our psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepening meditation and aiding communication and self-expression on all levels.

It balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and the chakras, eliminating overactivity and stimulating underactivity.

Psychologically, Apatite increases motivation.  It draws off negativity about oneself and others.  It is helpful for hyperactivity and autism in children.

Apatite enhances creativity and the intellect.  It clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self.

Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger.

Physically, Apatite aids in the absorption of calcium, helping cartilage, bones and teeth; healing bones and encouraging the formation of new cells.

It improves arthritis and joint problems.  Apatite can successfully help in suppressing hunger and raising the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating.

It heals the glands, meridians, organs and overcomes hypertension.

Healing with Aquamarine

♥ Cleansing ♥ Meditation ♥ Serenity ♥ Peace ♥ Prophecy ♥ Inspiration ♥ Tranquility ♥ Inner power strength ♥ Soothing ♥ Calming ♥ Safe travel on water

Aquamarine is a stone of courage.  Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind.

Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people.

It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility.

Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion. Useful for closure on all levels.  Promotes self-expression.

Soothes fears and increases sensitivity. Sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance.  Wonderful for meditation.

Shields the aura and aligns the chakras. Highly protective during pregnancy, it helps to guard both mother and baby from harm.

Discourages miscarriage. Aquamarine is helpful to sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems.

It regulates hormones and growth.  Boosts the immune system and alleviates overreactions, such as hayfever or allergies.  Counteracts short- or long-sightedness.

Healing with Calcite

♥ Deepen intellect ♥ Memory ♥ Wisdom ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Spirituality ♥ Astral projection ♥ Channeling ♥ Higher Consciousness

Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. It cleans negative energies from the environment.

It brings forth a polarising prismatic energy, which engenders a spectrum of energy to clear and to activate all of the chakras.

Calcite is a spiritual stone that facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities.

It helps mind and body to remember soul experiences.

Calcite connects the emotions with the intellect. It is an excellent stone when studying the arts and sciences.

It calms the mind, teaches discernment, stimulates insights, and boosts memory.

Calcite cleanses and improves the functions of the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.

It dissolves calcification of the bones. It balances the assimilation of calcium within the body, strengthening the skeleton and joints.

It alleviates intestinal and skin conditions, stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing.

Healing with Coral

♥ Absorbs negative energy ♥ Platonic love ♥ Friendship ♥ Community ♥ Creativity ♥ Passion ♥ Romantic love ♥ Wisdom ♥ Optimism ♥ Enthusiasm ♥ Balance ♥ Relaxation ♥ Protection ♥ Safe travel on water

Coral represents diplomacy and concurrence.  It quiets the emotions and brings peace to within the self.

Facilitates intuition, imagination and visualisation.

Coral expedites and accelerates the transfer of knowledge.

Coral strengthens the circulatory system and the bones of the body.

It stimulates tissue regeneration and nourishes the blood cells.

Treats disorders of the spinal canal, the alimentary canal, the nervous system, and the thalamus.

Healing with Diamond

♥ Purity ♥ Harmony ♥ Love ♥ Abundance ♥ Prosperity

A symbol of purity, the Diamond’s pure white light helps to bring our lives into a cohesive whole.

It brings love and clarity into partnerships, bonding relationships.

Diamond is a sign of commitment and fidelity, and instills trust to relationships and situations.

It inspires the forces of accumulation, attracting the manifestation of abundance.

Diamond is an energy amplifier.  It is a stone that never requires recharging.

It will bring strength and endurance to all energies and will enhance the power of other crystals.

However, beware, as this means it will increase negative energy as well as positive!

Excellent for blocking electromagnetic stress and for protection against cell phone emanations.

Diamond imparts fearlessness, invincibility and fortitude.

It clears emotional and mental pain, reducing fear and bringing about new beginnings.

Stimulates creativity, inventiveness, imagination and ingenuity.  It brings clarity of mind and aids enlightenment.

Diamond allows the soul light to shine out.  It aids spiritual evolution and reminds you of your soul’s aspirations.

Diamond purifies and detoxifies all of the body’s systems, rebalancing the metabolism, and building up stamina, strength and treating allergies and chronic conditions.

It also helps glaucoma and clears sight.  Diamond effectively treats dizziness and vertigo, and benefits the brain.  Counteracts poisoning.

Healing with Diopside

♥ To become more appreciative of life

Diopside is a creative stone and stimulating to the intellect.

It is a great assistant to learning, especially if it is something new.

Diopside is a wonderful healer for those who have held back their tears for too long, helping them to cry and release their feelings.

It provides a sense of empowerment and helps one to recognise the strength within oneself.

Diopside expands love on every level, promoting emotional well being and the ability to love oneself and others, as well as to receive love.

It is an empowering stone that is particularly helpful in bringing out and balancing the feminine side, whilst also being helpful for menopausal symptoms.

It can be used for the treatment of physical trauma, and to assist in regeneration after surgery.

A particularly helpful stone for healing heart troubles, lungs, circulation, muscle aches, and in psychological disorders.

Healing with Garnet

♥ Passion ♥ Sensuality ♥ Sexuality ♥ Romantic love ♥ Intimacy ♥ Positive thoughts ♥ Energy ♥ Past life recall ♥ Inspiration ♥ Success ♥ Social popularity ♥ Self-confidence

Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras.

It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.

Inspires love and devotion.  Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony.

It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope.

Stimulates past-life recall.  Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others.

Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos.  It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence.

Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism.

It treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition.

Purifies the heart, lungs, blood and regenerates DNA.  Garnet boosts the immune system and energy levels.

Healing with Hematite

♥ Focus ♥ Concentration ♥ Willpower ♥ Reliability ♥ Courage ♥ Confidence ♥ Optimism ♥ Trust ♥ Balance ♥ Stability ♥ Protection

Hematite grounds and protects us.  It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure.

It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality.

A “stone for the mind”, Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought.

Hematite utilises the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system.

It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.

Dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others.

Haematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence.

It helps to overcome compulsions and addictions, treating overeating, smoking and other forms of overindulgence.

Haematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anaemia.

It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue.  Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells.

Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia.  Hematite aids spinal alignment and fractures.

It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.

Dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others.

Haematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence.

It helps to overcome compulsions and addictions, treating overeating, smoking and other forms of overindulgence.

Haematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anaemia.

It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue.  Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells.

Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia.  Hematite aids spinal alignment and fractures.

Healing with Iolite

♥ Power ♥ Inner strength ♥ Leadership ♥ Self-confidence

Iolite is a vision stone.  It clears thought forms, opening intuition.

Aids in understanding and releasing the causes of addiction.

Helps you to express your true self, free from the expectations of others.

Iolite releases discord within relationships.

It encourages taking responsibility for yourself, overcoming codependency within your partnership.

Iolite creates a strong constitution, ridding the body of fatty deposits.

It diminishes the effect of alcohol and supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver.

Treats malaria and fevers, and kills bacteria.  Iolite aids the pituitary, sinuses and respiratory system.  Alleviates migraines.

Healing with Jadeite

♥ Stability ♥ Longevity ♥ Fertility ♥ Serenity ♥ Wisdom ♥ Practicality ♥ Tranquility ♥ Balance ♥ Peace ♥ Harmony ♥ Moderation ♥ Perspective

Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity.  It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility.  It increases love and nurturing.

A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony.  Jade attracts good luck and friendship.

It stabilises the personality and promotes self-sufficiency.  Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts.  Stimulates ideas.

A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams.  It aids emotional release, especially of irritability.

Jade encourages you to become who you really are.

Jade aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs.  It is excellent for treating kidney problems and adrenal glands.

Jade removes toxins, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and heals stitches.  It assists fertility and childbirth.  Jade balances body fluids.

Healing with Jasper

♥ Relaxation ♥ Contentment ♥ Compassion ♥ Nurturing ♥ Consolation ♥ Tranquility ♥ Healing ♥ Completion

Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”.

It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness.

Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy.  It balances yin and yang.

Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation.

It encourages honesty with one’s self.  Provides courage to assertively tackle problems.

Aids quick-thinking and promotes organisational abilities.

Jasper stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action.

Prolongs sexual pleasure.  It supports during prolonged illness and re-energises the body.

Picture Jasper

Jaspis obrázkový XL (JAR) - naturshop.cz

Picture Jasper encourages ecological awareness, bringing stability and balance.  It contains a message and/or “picture” from the past.  Picture Jasper is a stone of proportion and harmony and stimulates creative visualisation.  It helps to bring hidden thoughts and feelings – griefs, fears, guilt, envy, love, hope – to the surface, to be released.  Brings comfort and alleviates fear.  Picture Jasper stimulates the immune system and helps treat disorders of the skin and kidneys.

Mookaite Jasper

♥ Nurturing ♥ Grounding ♥ Shielding

Mookaite is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress.

It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness.  Mookaite helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time.

It encourages versatility and helps us to accept change.  Mookaite provides us with emotional growth.

It helps us to discover all possibilities in a situation and to choose the right one.

Mookaite provides a protective shield against negative or dangerous situations, eliminating and blocking unwanted outside influences and distractions, and revealing what is concealed.

Mookaite promotes energy and new ideas, helping us gain enthusiasm and bringing the excellence of ourselves, bring kindness to ourselves and others.

Mookaite helps with contacting those who have passed on.

Mookaite stabilises the general health of the whole body and strengthens the immune system.

Picasso Jasper

1.6" Polished Zebra Jasper Heart For Sale - FossilEra.com

Picasso Jasper often resembles a beautiful painting.  It is a stone that reminds us to celebrate and enjoy life.  Picasso Jasper assists in the transformation of relationships.  It attracts like minded people who become loyal and trusted friends, as well as helping to renew old friendships that had been lost.  It has strong grounding and calming qualities and helps to engender strength and self-discipline.  Picasso Jasper is useful for eye problems and can promote weight-loss.

Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper, also known as Orbicular Jasper, assists in accepting responsibility and instills patience.

It facilitates continuity in circular breathing.

Improves the digestive process and eliminates toxins that cause body odour and disease.

Kabamba Jasper

Kabamba Jasper is a new name for Fossilised Stromatolite Algae and is also sometimes known as Crocodile Jasper.

It calms the mind and promotes feelings of peace.  Kabamba Jasper reduces fear and increases your self worth, bringing inspiration and courage.  It brings wisdom and the ability to get along with others.  It is a stone that is extremely good for seeing and interpreting auras and helps with access to the akashic records.  Kambaba Jasper helps with the assimilation of vitamins and minerals and in cleansing the body of toxins.  It boosts the immune system.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is gently stimulating and also an extremely protective stone.

It can neutralise radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution.

Red Jasper rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy.

Brings problems to light and provides insights into difficult situations.

An excellent “worry bead”, Red Jasper calms the emotions.  Aids in dream recall.

Cleans and stabilises the aura.  A stone of health, Red Jasper strengthens and detoxifies the circulatory system, blood and liver.

Brecciated Jasper

Brecciated Jasper is a form of Jasper that also contains Hematite.  Red Brecciated Jasper is often called “Poppy Jasper“.

Brecciated Jasper is a particularly good grounding stone which can assist those who feel overwhelmed.

It can enhance organisational abilities whilst helping in developing creativity.

Brecciated Jasper encourages empathy and communication with animals and can help with allergies to animals and in general.

It absorbs negative energy and promotes health, healing and recovery from illness.

Zebra Jasper

Zebra Jasper is a stone that brings contentment.  It helps you to have compassion and understanding for others.  It provides you with courage and motivation, helping you to face the challenges and to solve the problems you may have in life.  It gives you the determination needed to see things through.  Zebra Jasper stimulates physical energy, providing stamina and endurance, making it a wonderful stone for athletes.  It can also help to alleviate muscle spasms, heart palpitations, and vitamin deficiencies.

Leopard Skin Jasper

Leopard Skin Jasper helps you to connect with your spiritual animal totem.  It is associated with spiritual discovery and shaman travel.  It assists in self-healing.  Leopard Skin Jasper is helpful in eliminating toxins from the body and decreasing body odour.

Healing with Kyanite

♥ Vivid dreams ♥ Channeling ♥ Altered states ♥ Visualisation ♥ Loyalty ♥ Honesty ♥ Serenity

Kyanite is an excellent stone for meditation and attunement.

It will not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requiring clearing.

Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly.

It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body.

Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility.

It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels.

It drives away anger, frustration, confusion and stress and helps to provide a capacity for linear and logical thought.

Kyanite provides a stimulating energy, encouraging perseverance in and support of activities and situations which would normally reduce one’s strength.

It can help when connecting to your spirit guides.  Kyanite induces dream recall and can promote healing dreams.

Kyanite treats the urogenital system, adrenal glands and parathyroid glands.  It aids in disorders of the throat, brain and muscular system.

It helps to heal infections and lower blood pressure.  Kyanite is a natural pain reliever.

Healing with Labradorite

♥ Transformation ♥ Promotes psychic abilities ♥ Strengthens our will ♥ Stimulates imagination ♥ Calming

A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.

It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies.

Excellent for strengthening intuition – promoting psychic abilities.

Powerful in revealing the truth behind illusions, Labradorite banishes fears and insecurities, and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe.

It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas.

Labradorite treats disorders of the eyes and brain, stimulates mental acuity, and relieves anxiety and stress.

It regulates metabolism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual tension.

Labradorite treats colds, gout, and rheumatism, lowers blood pressure, and aids in digestion.

Healing with Lapis

♥ Inner truth ♥ Inner power ♥ Love ♥ Purification ♥ Intuition ♥ Positive magic ♥ Self-confidence ♥ Manifestation ♥ Friendship

A stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace.

It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge.

Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality.

Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity.

Lapis Lazuli assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence.

It bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions.

Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation.

It alleviates insomnia and vertigo, and overcomes depression.

Lapis Lazuli benefits the respiratory and nervous systems and the throat, vocal cords, and thyroid, cleanses organs, bone marrow and thymus.

Healing with Malachite

♥ Calming ♥ Loyalty ♥ Leadership ♥ Protection ♥ Wisdom ♥ Comfort ♥ Balance ♥ Peace ♥ Self-understanding ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Healing

Malachite is an important protection stone.

Malachite absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body.

Guards against radiation and clears electromagnetic pollution.

Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance.

It opens the heart to unconditional love.

Encourages risk-taking and change, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings.

Malachite releases inhibitions and develops empathy with others.

It alleviates mental disturbances and combats dyslexia.

Enables you to absorb and process information.  Releases negative experiences and old traumas.  Stimulates dreams.

Malachite balances mood swings and heals cramps.

It facilitates labour, alleviates menstrual disorders such as PMT and period pains, as well as menopause.

Boosts the immune and nervous systems.

Malachite lowers blood pressure, treats asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, growths, travel sickness, vertigo, tumours, the optic nerve, pancreas, spleen and the parathyroid.

It pinpoints tumours, realigning and repairing the DNA and cellular structure that causes cancers.

It can be used on all forms of cancer and enhances and stimulates the immune system.  Malachite stimulates the liver to release toxins.

Healing with Opal

♥ Love ♥ Loyalty ♥ Peace ♥ Consciousness ♥ Faithfulness

Opal is an emotional stone and reflects the mood of the wearer.

It intensifies emotions and releases inhibitions.

Encourages both freedom and independence.

Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions.

It stimulates originality and creativity.

Helps to release anger and claim self worth, aiding in accessing and expressing one’s true self.

Opal strengthens memory.

It encourages an interest in the arts.

Wearing Opal brings loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity.

Opal strengthens the will to live and treats infections and fevers.

Purifying the blood and kidneys, Opal also regulates insulin.  It eases childbirth and alleviates PMS.

Healing with Moonstone

♥ Happiness ♥ Good fortune ♥ Nurturing ♥ Mothering ♥ Unselfishness ♥ Humanitarian ♥ Love  ♥ Spiritual insight ♥ Easy childbirth ♥ Safe travel ♥ New beginnings ♥ Abundance ♥ Ancient wisdom

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength.

It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness.

Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.

Moonstone aids the digestive system, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas.  It stimulates the pineal gland and balances hormonal cycles, being excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding.

Moonstone is also beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.

Healing with Pyrite

♥ Intelligence ♥ Mental stability ♥ Logic ♥ Creativity ♥ Psychic development ♥ Memory ♥ Practicality ♥ Optimism ♥ Channeling abilities ♥ Learning and Perception

Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels.

It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed.

Pyrite assists one in seeing behind facades, promoting an understanding of that which lies beneath words and actions.

The ancient Incas used Pyrite for meditation and divination.

Pyrite inspires the universal energies to activate the nourishing energies of the body.

It encourages the ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being.

It allows one to recognise the purity of the universe.

It can be used in the treatment of bones and in the healing of cell formation.

It treats lung disorders and bronchitis and has been used to reduce swelling and fevers.

Pyrite aids in the treatment of infective disease, whilst also providing protection from the disease for the caregivers.

Healing with Chalcopyrite

♥ Creativity ♥ Flexibility ♥ Innovation ♥ Meditation ♥ Increase happiness

Also known as Peacock Ore, this colorful, iridescent crystal is composed of Copper Iron Sulfide, an ore of Copper, and gets its coloring from oxidation of the crystal’s surface.

Use Chalcopyrite to find new friendships as well as lost items.

It can be beneficial for those whose lives have become mundane by increasing the creative processes and stimulating new ideas.

It is the merging of Iron’s affinity with Venus (beauty) with Copper’s relation to Mars (power) that Chalcopyrite can benefit those in the fashion, media, and sales industries, as well as those starting a new fitness regimen or martial arts program.

Chalcopyrite helps us deal with fears of failure and poor self-esteem.

It enhances communication with the Universe and helps with mediation.

Chalcopyrite can shield the wearer from the effects of lengthy medical treatments (such as chemotherapy) or repeated surgical procedures. 

It is a detoxifying stone and may also help with inflammation, fevers, bronchitis and brain disorders.

Healing with Rhodonite

♥ Calmness ♥ Self-confidence ♥ Refinement ♥ Gratefulness ♥ Elegance ♥ Delicacy ♥ Courtesy ♥ Tact ♥ Alternatives ♥ Inner path

Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love.

It stimulates, clears and activates the heart.  Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential.

It heals emotional shock and panic.  Rhodonite aids in cases of emotional self-destruction, codependency and abuse.

It encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness.  Promotes remaining calm in dangerous or upsetting situations.

Builds confidence and alleviates confusion.

Rhodonite relieves insect bites and can reduce scarring.  It aids bone growth and the hearing organs.

Rhodonite stimulates fertility.  It treats emphysema, auto-immune diseases and stomach ulcers.

Eases inflammation of joints and arthritis.

Healing with Ruby

♥ Integrity ♥ Devotion ♥ Happiness ♥ Healing ♥ Courage ♥ Passion ♥ Enthusiasm ♥ Generosity ♥ Inspiration ♥ Prosperity ♥ High Energy ♥ Power and Leadership

Ruby encourages passion and a zest for life.

It improves motivation and setting of realistic goals.

Balances the heart and instills confidence.

Ruby encourages joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage.

It promotes positive dreams and stimulates the pineal gland.

Aids in retaining wealth and passion.

Ruby encourages removal of negative energies from your path.

It overcomes exhaustion and lethargy and imparts potency and vigour.

Calms hyperactivity.

Ruby detoxifies the body, blood and lymphatic system.

It treats fevers, infectious disease and restricted blood flow.

Ruby stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen.

Healing with Ruby in Zoisite

♥ Self-control ♥ Self-esteem ♥ Healing ♥ Harmony ♥ Dream recall ♥ Relaxation

Creates an altered state of consciousness, enabling you to reach and utilise talents and abilities of the mind. 

It stimulates psychic abilities.  Increases awareness of ones individuality.  Ruby in Zoisite instills joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage, bringing passion and a zest for life. 

It increases sexual activity, treating impotency and frigidity.

Improves circulation and quality of the blood, and heart disorders. 

It aids in recovery from disorders associated with diminished physical vitality.

Healing with Ruby in Fuchsite

♥ Self worth ♥ Resilience

Fuchsite helps us to understand issues concerning our daily lives; such as stress, physical health, routines, career and environment.

It brings about a need to focus on basic concerns directly related to interactions with other people and the material world.

Fuchsite channels information regarding holistic and herbal remedies, giving suggestions as to the most holistic action to take and receiving guidance on health matters and well-being.

Psychologically, Fuchsite teaches true self worth, assisting in the elimination of a tendency towards martyrdom or issues of servitude.

Fuchsite helps to overcome codependency and aids in a speedy recovery from trauma, both emotionally and physically.

Fuchsite increases the energy of other crystals and helps in the transfer of their energy.

It shifts energy into positive channels, therefore releasing blockages caused by excess energy.

Fuchsite stabilises spinal column alignment and increases flexibility in the musculoskeletal system.

It treats repetitive strain injury, carpal tunnel syndrome and also aids in balancing the red and white blood cell ratio.

Types of Fuchsite

In addition to the generic healing properties of Fuchsite, specific types have additional attributes:

Ruby Fuchsite

Ruby Fuchsite is the name given to Fuchsite when Ruby crystals are found within it.  In this case, the healing properties will be a combination of both Ruby and Fuchsite gemstones.

Healing with Sapphire

♥ Creative expression ♥ Intuition ♥ Meditation ♥ Luck ♥ Wisdom ♥ Optimism ♥ Friendliness ♥ Generosity ♥ Love ♥ Loyalty ♥ Independence ♥ Centreing ♥ Balance ♥ Self-appreciation ♥ Spiritual development ♥ Intellect ♥ Study ♥ Knowledge ♥ Memory

Known as the “wisdom stone”, each colour of Sapphire brings its own particular wisdom.

It releases mental tension, depression, unwanted thoughts and spiritual confusion.

Sapphire restores balance within the body, aligning the physical, mental and spiritual planes, bringing serenity and peace of mind.

It stimulates concentration, brings lightness, joy and peace of mind.

Sapphire is also known as a “stone of prosperity”, attracting gifts of all kinds and fulfilling dreams and desires.

Sapphire treats blood disorders, combatting excessive bleeding and strengthening the walls of the veins.

It is used for cellular disorders, regulates the glands and calms overactive body systems.

Healing with Selenite

♥ Serenity ♥ Purification ♥ Peace ♥ Meditation ♥ Universal consciousness ♥ Clarity of thought ♥ Purity of heart ♥ Universal love ♥ Integrity ♥ Spirituality ♥ Psychic development ♥ Forgiveness ♥ Positive thoughts

Selenite provides for clarity of the mind, expanding ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings.

It opens the crown and higher crown chakras and accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance.

It can be used to access past lives as well as future lives.

Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work.

It assists judgement and insight.  It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture.

Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility.

It corrects deformities of the skeletal system and can stabilise epileptic disorders.

It is used to improve disorders associated with metal poisoning due to teeth fillings and can reverse the effects of “free radicals” in the cell structure.

Effects that can be overcome include cancer, tumours, age spots, wrinkles and light sensitivity.

Healing with Topaz

♥ Communication ♥ Love ♥ Good fortune ♥ Good health ♥ Attraction

Topaz soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, remotivates and aligns the meridians of the body – directing energy to where it is needed most.

It promotes truth and forgiveness.  Topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health.

It is known as a stone of love and good fortune.  Releases tension, inducing relaxation.

Topaz promotes openness and honesty, self-realisation and self-control.

It aids problem-solving and assists in expressing ideas.

Stabilises the emotions, making you receptive to love from all sources.

Topaz aids digestion and combats eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia.

It fortifies the nerves and stimulates the metabolism.

Healing with Tourmaline

♥ Flexibility ♥ Happiness ♥ Objectivity ♥ Compassion ♥ Serenity ♥ Balance ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Healing ♥ Strength ♥ Tolerance ♥ Understanding

Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others.

It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear.

Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.

It balances the right-left sides of the brain.

Helps treat paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination.

Tourmaline releases tension, making it helpful for spinal adjustments.

It balances male-female energy within the body.

Enhances energy and removes blockages.

Healing with Snowflake Obsidian

♥ Balance during changes ♥ Purification ♥ Transformation ♥ Fulfilment ♥ Metamorphoses ♥ Manifestation ♥ Practicality ♥ Psychic ability

In addition to the generic healing properties of Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian is calming and soothing.

It teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes.

A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit.

It helps you recognise and release “wrong thinking” and stressful mental patterns.

Promotes dispassion and inner centring.

Snowflake Obsidian empowers isolation and loneliness, aiding surrender in meditation.

Snowflake Obsidian aids in disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure.

It improves circulation and alleviates muscular aches and spasms.  Treats joint pain (arthritis) and hardening of the arteries.

Healing with Moldavite

♥ Clears blockage ♥ clears chakras ♥ helps release attachments to people/things ♥  vivid dreams ♥ inner vision ♥ spiritual growth.

It causes the wearer to bring about a sense of personal fulfillment.  It helps in healing old emotional and spiritual wounds.

It has a soothing and relaxing properties.  It stimulates spiritual growth and expands your consciousness.

It also helps awaken latent memories of past and sheds light about the situation.  Moldavite helps you by getting touch with your inner-self.

It makes you think about unexpected solutions to problems that may be troubling you.  It helps develop unconditional love, and respect for yourself and others.

It makes you introspect your beliefs and guides you to discard the ones that are no longer applicable.  Its warm green color makes it effective in the treatment of ailments related to eyes.

It has rejuvenation qualities and slows down the aging process.  It is also beneficial for people who fighting a battle against infertility.

It is said to be highly effective for treating hair loss.  It helps in overcoming problems like allergies, rashes, flu, fever, anemia, etc.

It is especially beneficial for brain as it aids memory retention, balances electrical impulses, and even protects against mental degeneration.

It is also beneficial in the treatment of gout.  It also assists in the treatment of diseases which affect the respiratory tract.

Healing with Pietersite

♥ Blood Pressure ♥ Regulation ♥ Confusion ♥ Exhaustion ♥ Headache and Migraine Relief ♥ Nervous System Regeneration and Healing ♥ Nutrient/Mineral/Vitamin Absorption ♥ Respiratory  Health

Pietersite supports the healing of illnesses that arise through confusion or unfulfilled desire for rest.

It is particularly effective with all respiratory problems.

Pietersite encourages the proper functioning of the pituitary gland and the regulation of the other endocrine glands so the proper amount of hormones for growth, sex, metabolism, blood pressure and body temperature are produced.

This stone is also beneficial for eye health.

It helps the lungs, liver, intestines, feet, legs and promotes absorption of nutrients from food.

This stone clears disease caused by exhaustion in those who have not time to rest.

Pietersite stimulates the physical body, lending energy and strength.

It’s a nervous-system stone and is useful in stimulating and strengthening the nerves and the brain.

Healing with Obsidian

♥ Purification ♥ Transformation ♥ Fulfilment ♥ Metamorphoses ♥ Manifestation ♥ Practicality ♥ Psychic ability

Obsidian is truth-enhancing.

A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity.

It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment.

Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.

It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.

Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion.  Helps you to know who you truly are.

Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas.  Promotes qualities of compassion and strength.

Obsidian aids the digestion and detoxifies.  It reduces arthritis pain, joint problems and cramps.  Warms the extremities.

Healing with Rose Quartz

♥ Unconditional love ♥ Self-love ♥ Mother love ♥ Caring ♥ Kindness ♥ Friendship ♥ Romantic love ♥ Platonic love

Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love.

It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love.

Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief.

Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes.

It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.

Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids.

It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo.

A good energetic support for those with leukaemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage.

Healing with Mother Of Pearl

♥ Protection ♥ Calming

A protection stone, Mother of Pearl brings the gentle healing power of the sea.

It is a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions.

Mother of Pearl stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability.

It helps our emotions become more harmonious and balanced.

Calming and soothing to temper or feelings of fear.

It enables you to more easily express feelings of love.

Mother of Pearl helps with clarity in decision making and is helpful for endurance, organisation and for home life.

Healing with Turquoise

♥ Purification ♥ Serenity ♥ Protection ♥ Wisdom ♥ Balance ♥ Strength ♥ Friendship ♥ Love ♥ Positive thinking ♥ Sensitivity

Turquoise is a purification stone.

It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.

Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilising mood swings and instilling inner calm.

It is excellent for depression and exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks.

Turquoise promotes self-realisation and assists creative problem solving.

It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love.

Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body.

It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain.

Turquoise purifies lungs, soothes and clears sore throats, and heals the eyes, including cataracts.

It neutralises overacidity, benefits rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, and viral infections.

Healing with Magnesite

♥ Relaxation ♥ Visualisation ♥ Heartfelt love ♥ Purification

Magnesite instills deep peace during meditation.

Placed on the third eye, this stone enhances visualisation and imagery, and can promote dynamic and revolutionary ideas.

It assists in producing an opening of the crown chakra.  It also opens the heart chakra and stimulates heartfelt love.

Magnesite brings all forms of self-deceit to the surface.

It brings grounding to the intellect and helps to recognise unconscious thoughts and feelings.

It induces a positive attitude to life.

Magnesite brings a calming effect to the emotions, promoting tolerance for emotional stress.

It supports people who are nervous and fearful and helps them to overcome irritability and intolerance.

Magnesite aids in the absorption of magnesium in the body.

It purifies and detoxifies the cells and assists in the treatment of convulsions by acting as a muscle relaxant.

This stone can help to neutralise body odour, and treats PMS, stomach, intestinal, and vascular cramps, as well as the pain from gallbladder and kidney stones.

Magnesite treats bone and teeth disorders and can be used to both stimulate and soothe the heart and associated arteries.

It regulates body temperature, lessening fevers and chills.

Healing with Chrysocolla

♥ Tranquility ♥ Serenity ♥ Peace ♥ Subconscious wisdom ♥ Intuition ♥ Patience ♥ Nurturance ♥ Acceptance ♥ Tolerance ♥ Unconditional love ♥ Calmness ♥ Meditation ♥ Honesty ♥ Hope ♥ Intimacy ♥ Gentleness ♥ Sensitivity

Chrysocolla calms, cleanses and re-energises all the chakras.

It draws out guilt, heals heartache and increases the capacity to love.

Improves communication and opens psychic vision.  Encourages self-awareness and inner balance.

Imparts confidence and sensitivity.  Chrysocolla enhances personal power and inspires creativity.

Overcomes phobias by drawing out negativity and supplying motivation.  Reduces mental tension.

Promotes truth-telling and impartiality.  Alleviates guilt and brings in joy.

Chrysocolla treats arthritis, bone disease, osteoporosis, muscle spasms, blood disorders and lung problems.

It detoxifies the liver, kidneys and intestines.  Re-oxygenates the blood, regenerates the pancreas and regulates insulin.

Strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps.  Chrysocolla heals infections, lowers blood pressure and soothes burns.

Treats PMS and menstrual cramps.

Healing with Tanzanite

Tanzanite. Trichroic variety of ziosite. Appears bluish under ...

♥ Composure ♥ Poise and harmony ♥ Helps us to slow down

Tanzanite stimulates the throat chakra, third-eye chakra, and crown chakra.

It activates our psychic abilities and vibratory rate, facilitating communication with the higher spiritual dimensions.

Tanzanite is a stone of transformation that can help dissolve old patterns of disease and karma.

It enables us to move forward with optimism and inspiration, giving us a sense of direction and allowing us to manifest our powers for the highest good.

Tanzanite enhances healing at all levels, as well as protecting those who are doing the healing.

Physically, Tanzanite alleviates skin disorders, clears the throat and lungs, and can be used to treat disorders of the ears and eyes.

It boosts the immune system, speeding up recovery after an illness, and detoxifies and regenerates cells and tissues.

Tanzanite is also helpful in treating spinal problems and diseases of the reproductive system.

Healing with Emerald

♥ Love ♥ Romance ♥ Joy ♥ Cleansing ♥ Intuition ♥ Clairvoyance ♥ Faith ♥ Serenity ♥ Intelligence ♥ Clear vision ♥ Truth ♥ Memory & Communication ♥ Physical & Emotional healing

Emerald is known as the “stone of successful love”.  It brings loyalty and provides for domestic bliss.

It enhances unconditional love, unity and promotes friendship.  Keeps partnerships in balance and can signal unfaithfulness if it changes colour.

Emerald stimulates the heart chakra, having a healing effect on the emotions as well as the physical heart.

It ensures physical, emotional and mental equilibrium, bringing harmony to all areas of ones life.

Focusing intention and raising consciousness, it brings in positive actions, eliminating negativity and enhancing the ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

Emerald enhances psychic abilities, opens clairvoyance, and stimulates the use of greater mental capacity.

It helps bring awareness of the unknown to conscious recognition, imparting reason and wisdom.

Emerald assists in inciting activity and focus in ones actions.  It strengthens memory and imparts clarity of thought.

It inspires a deep inner knowing, promoting truth and discernment.

Emerald treats disorders of the heart, lungs, spine and muscular system.  It aids in recovery after infectious illness, helps sinuses and soothes the eyes, improving vision.

It has a detoxifying effect on the liver and alleviates diabetes and rheumatism.

Healing with Onyx

♥ Strength ♥ Stamina ♥ Constancy ♥ Permanence ♥ Firmness ♥ Durability ♥ Self-control

Zodiac – Gemini, Leo
Element – Earth
Numerical Vibration – Number 6
Typical colours – Black, grey, white, blue, brown, yellow, red, green

Onyx gives strength.  It promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina.

Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings.

Onyx banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making.

It encourages happiness and good fortune.

Onyx treats disorders of the bones, bone marrow and blood.  It is beneficial for teeth and the feet.

Healing with Charoite

♥ Transformation ♥ Unconditional love ♥ Inner vision ♥ Cleansing ♥ Self-esteem ♥ Awakens analytical abilities ♥ Grounding

Charoite is a stone of transformation.

It cleanses the aura and chakras by transmuting negative energy into healing.

It opens our hearts and stimulates unconditional love.  Re-energises, reducing stress and worry.

Charoite stimulates and regulates the blood pressure and pulse rate.

Improves sleep, overcomes insomnia and allays nightmares.

Charoite treats the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas as well as healing general conditions of the nervous system.

Healing with Tourmalated Quartz

♥ Balances opposites ♥ Grounding

Chakras – Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac – Capricorn
Element – Earth
Typical colours – Clear with needle-like crystals of Black Tourmaline.

Tourmaline Quartz combines the properties of Tourmaline and Clear Quartz Crystal.  Tourmaline purifies ones own energies and protects from negativity, while Quartz amplifies energies focused through it.  This combination makes Tourmaline Quartz a powerful shield-stone that, depending on the desired intent of the wearer, can amplify and return negative energy, like a mirror spell, or can convert the negative energy into positive energy for the wearer.

An effective grounding stone, Tourmaline Quartz strengthens the body’s energy field against external invasion and deflects detrimental environmental influences.  It is often seen as a symbol of unity and is an effective problem solver.  It eliminates crystallised patterns which are, or may have been, destructive in ones own life and releases tensions at any level.  Its liberating power against negative energy can be used to assist us to actualise the strength needed to alleviate negative or hostile relationships and situations.  Tourmaline Quartz balances yin / yang energies.  It harmonises disparate and opposite elements and polarities, and turns negative thoughts and energies into positive ones.  Psychologically, it helps to integrate and heal the shadow energies, alleviating self-sabotage.  It harmonises the meridians, the subtle bodies, and the chakras.

Tourmaline Quartz detoxifies the entire body and is used to treat disorders of the digestive tract.

Healing with Larimar

♥ Facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation

Chakras – Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac – Leo
Numerical Vibration – Number 1
Typical colours – blue, bluish-white, green-blue, white, grey

Larimar is an earth-healing stone.  It connects with nature and will counteract inbalances in the earth’s energy.

Larimar helps to heal and tone the throat.  By opening up the throat chakra, it promotes self-confidence and encourages us to express our deepest truths and fears.

Especially helpful in removing self-imposed blockages and constraints, Larimar assists us in taking control of our lives by dissolving self-sabotaging behaviour, alleviating guilt and removing fear.

Larimar is a wonderful meditation stone.  It quickly and effortlessly calms the mind and bestows inner peace.  It naturally raises consciousness and facilitates contact and communication with the angelic realms.

Larimar brings harmony and assists in balancing the yin-yang energies, thus unifying our male and female qualities.  It promotes self healing and is excellent for unplugging the meridians and dissolving energy blocks, particularly in the head, neck and chest.

Larimar embraces love and joy, opening up the heart by allowing us to express unconditional love.

Healing with Azurite

♥ Calming ♥ Loyalty ♥ Leadership ♥ Protection ♥ Wisdom ♥ Comfort ♥ Balance ♥ Peace ♥ Self-understanding ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Healing

Azurite treats throat problem, arthritis and joint problems. It aligns the spine and works at a cellular level to restore any blockages or damage to the brain.

This crystal heals and repairs the kidneys, gallbladder, liver, spleen, thyroid, bones, teeth, skin and aids detoxification.

Azurite encourages the development of the embryo in the womb.
Azurite can help soothe migraines, lessen tinnitus and balance vertigo. Azurite will help you become a wise healer, amplifying your powers.

It increases the flow of the life force, oxygenating the blood and repairing brain cells.

Azurite heals emotional trauma from present and past lives at the mental level.

It promotes karmic healing of negative energy patterns brought forward from other lifetimes.

Azurite initiates intense transformation and transcendence. It encourages breakthroughs when a healing process seems stuck.

Azurite dissolves emotional blocks and negativity. It will heal confusion, aid healers, mediators, and psychics.

It will increase your healing abilities and visualisation.
Azurite clears stress, worry, grief and sadness. It allows you to show your emotions in a new light.

It transmutes fears and phobias and brings an understanding as to why they occurred in the first place. It will settle someone down who talks too much out of nervousness. It also helps those who have no mind to mouth filter.
Lying stems from fear. Azurite has the ability to help you understand the reason for your fears, when you are habitually untruthful or deceptive.

This stone can give you the courage to correct these patterns of behaviour so that you are able to be more clear and truthful to yourself and others.

Azurite breaks chronic worry patterns.

This stone overcomes long standing problems and breaks down communication blocks, It encourages professionalism and brings out leadership qualities.

It aids elder statesmen, professors, researchers, librarians and counsellors.

Healing with Citrine

♥ Happiness ♥ Prosperity ♥ Generosity ♥ Creativity ♥ Pleasure ♥ Protection ♥ Strength ♥ Alignment ♥ Confidence ♥ Stability ♥ Moderation ♥ Energy ♥ Comfort ♥ Success ♥ Truth ♥ Goodness ♥ Warmth ♥ Digestion ♥ Assimilation ♥ Enjoyment of life ♥ Spiritual growth

Chakras – Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Crown Chakra
Birthstone – November
Zodiac – Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra
Planet – Jupiter
Element – Air
Numerical Vibration – Number 6
Typical colours – yellow to yellowish brown or smokey grey-brown

Citrine energises every level of life.  It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition.

Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success.  It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm.

Raises self-esteem and self-confidence.  Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect.

Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression.  Enhances concentration and revitalises the mind.

It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias.  Emotionally balancing.

Energising and recharging, Citrine also reverses degenerative disease and helps balance chemical imbalances in the body.

Beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, it stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas.  Negates kidney and bladder infections.

Citrine helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid.

Relieves constipation and removes cellulite.

Healing with Agate

♥ Love ♥ Abundance ♥ Wealth ♥ Good luck ♥ Longevity ♥ Acceptance ♥ Courage and strength ♥ Protection, security and safety ♥ Balance ♥ Harmony ♥ Generosity ♥ Appreciation of nature

Zodiac – Gemini, Virgo
Planet – Moon
Element – Earth
Numerical Vibration – Number 7
Typical colours – Clear or milky white, white to grey, light blue, orange to red, black

Agate is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonising body, mind and spirit.

It cleanses and stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity.

Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities.

It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety.

Agate heals the eyes, stomach and uterus; cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.

Healing with Carnelian

♥ Emotional warmth ♥ Sociability ♥ Creativity ♥ Individuality ♥ Memory ♥ Appreciation of nature ♥ Harmony ♥ Courage ♥ Happiness ♥ Self-esteem ♥ Rebirth ♥ Reincarnation ♥ Past life recall

Chakras – Base Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Birthstone – July
Zodiac – Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo
Planet – Mars
Element – Fire
Numerical Vibration – Number 5
Typical colours – Clear-to-translucent reddish-brown which may vary from a pale orange, to an intense almost-black.

A stabilising stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity.

It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success.

Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind.

It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.

It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness.

Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception.

It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy.

Protects against envy, rage and resentment.

Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life.

Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality.

Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression.  It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments.  Improves vitamin and mineral absorption and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues.

Healing with Sodalite

♥ Logic ♥ Intelligence ♥ Emotional balance ♥ Intuition ♥ Clarity ♥ Truth ♥ Perception

Chakras – Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac – Sagittarius
Planet – Moon
Element – Water, Air
Numerical Vibration – Number 4
Typical colours – Rich royal blue, green, yellow, violet: mottled with white veins or patches

Sodalite brings order and calmness to the mind.

It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalisation of feelings.

Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks.

It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.

Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies.

It combats radiation damage by soaking up electromagnetic smog.

Sodalite treats the throat, vocal cords, larynx and helps with hoarseness and digestive disorders.

It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the absorption of body fluids.

Sodalite can also help to prevent insomnia.

Healing with Dolomite

♥ Inner tranquillity ♥ Resilience ♥ Logic ♥ Intelligence ♥ Emotional balance ♥ Intuition ♥ Clarity ♥ Truth ♥ Optimism

Dolomite has been used to aid PMS, oxygenation of the lungs and cell structure, also to strengthen the bones, teeth and muscles.

It aids with problems of the reproductive system, adrenal glands and genital system.​

This stone helps the physical body metabolise calcium thereby easing osteoporosis, broken bones, tooth and jaw diseases. ​

Dolomite helps insomnia, nightmares, irregular sleep patterns and night terrors.

Dolomite’s healing properties assist you with generosity, to think in original terms, spontaneity and creativity.

It brings you inner tranquillity and also increases your stamina.

Dolomite crystals also help with energy alignment and the removal of blockages. It also enhances your charitable aspects and is a very uplifting crystal.

It will ease the symptoms of osteoporosis and help to heal broken bones.

It is also good for those who lack resourcefulness and have a fear of failure.

This stone increases your endurance and stamina and helps to realign your energy centres to return the bodies systems to homeostasis.

Dolomite strengthens and thickens your hair and improves blood circulation.

It will realign your spine and skeletal structure. Dolomite is excellent for physical detoxification.

It supports the healing of bones and can assist in preventing bone loss. It balances metabolism and appetite, therefore supporting natural weight management.

It is soothing to the nervous system and can reduce stress.

Use this stone with selenite and calcite to create a grid for realigning your spine and any challenges you may have with your body’s foundation structure.


Healing with Dendritic Opal

♥ Spiritual mediums ♥ Psychic visions ♥ Loyalty ♥ Tranquility

The energies of the Dendritic Opal allow its carrier to access the spiritual universe that further leads to the development of psychic aptitudes.

Some Dendritic Opals are even thought to contain magical powers that put their owners in touch with their deeper, darker selves. During the Middle Ages, this was widely believed. Rulers would incorporate these gems into precious items they carried on them at all times to show their status and help them maintain their power.

Witches and wizards would also commonly carry these and other gems, thinking they held a mystical key to powerful witchcraft. Although most wealthy people and other people of prominence today are not showing off massive items with Dendritic Opals to boast of their status and power, there are still many modern witches and wizards who use them in their spells and more.

In the medicinal world are thought to treat certain ailments like dizziness, blood circulatory disorders, insulin deficiencies, inflammatory dysfunctions, and more.

Some naturalistic psychologists and psychiatrists even credit Dendritic Opals with the ability to cure depression or at least allow a person struggling with depression the clarity it takes to work through complicated emotions and mental issues. In this area, much like the new age and other religious circle areas, these crystal enthusiasts think the characteristics of these opals provide balance to one’s life. They just put far more focus on physical and emotional balance than spiritual balance.

Healing with Chalcedony

♥ Emotional balance ♥ Vitality ♥ Stamina ♥ Endurance ♥ Energy ♥ Intensity ♥ Hardiness ♥ Nurturance ♥ Generosity ♥Liveliness ♥ Kindness ♥ Charity ♥ Friendliness

Chakras – Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra
Zodiac – Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Numerical Vibration – Number 9
Typical colours – white to grey, greyish-blue, or brown ranging from pale to nearly black.  Chalcedony has a waxy lustre, and may be semitransparent or translucent.

Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will.

 It absorbs negative energy.

It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. 

Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity.It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy.

Eases self-doubt.Creates openness and enthusiasm. 

Absorbs and dissipates negative thoughts, emotions and bad dreams.

Chalcedony improves mineral assimilation and combats mineral buildup in veins. 

Lessens the effects of dementia and senility.  It increases physical energy. 

Heals the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system.

A creative stone, Blue Chalcedony imparts mental flexibility and verbal dexterity. 

It stimulates the ability to learn new languages and improves memory. 

Gives feelings of light-heartedness and optimism.  Improves self-perception. 

Aids regeneration of mucus membranes.  Enhances the immune system. 

Blue Chalcedony has an anti-inflammatory effect and lowers temperature and blood pressure. 

Heals the lungs and clears the respiratory system of the effects of smoking.

Healing with Lepidolite

♥ Transition ♥ Awareness ♥ Emotional Balance ♥ Meditation ♥ Prayer ♥ Goodness

Chakras – Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
Zodiac – Libra
Numerical Vibration – Number 8
Typical colours – Lilac, rose-violet

A “stone of transition”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganisation of old behavioural and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. 

It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. 

Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. 

It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect.  It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. 

Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record.  It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now.

Lepidolite aids in overcoming any kind of emotional or mental dependency, supporting in the release of addictions and complaints of all kinds, including anorexia. 

It encourages independence and self love and trust.  Lepidolite combines its power of objectivity with direction and unimpeded communication, focusing on what is important and making it an excellent stone for business pursuits.

Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution.  Strengthens the immune system, soothes the nervous system and can be used to restructure DNA.  Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders. 

It can relieve allergies and greatly help with epilepsy and Alzheimers.  It numbs sciatica and neuralgia, and overcomes joint problems.  Lepidolite stabilises mood swings and is excellent for the menopause. 

It treats illnesses caused by “sick-building syndrome” or computer stress.  Excellent for bipolar disorders.

Healing with Herkimer Diamond

♥ Most Powerful of All Crystals ♥ Master Healer ♥ Clears Negative Energies ♥ Manifestation Amplifier

Herkimer Diamond is the master amplifier, and an all around healer.

It is a source of pure light energy, that can magnify the energies of anything that comes around it.

Some say it is the most powerful of all crystals, making it a powerful pair with any other crystal.

Herkimer Diamond is like a reset button, it helps clear your mind, body and spirit to let go of all past pains from this life, and past lives.

It harmonizes your brain and aura, and brings a deep understanding of life and all that is.

It helps to release fears, anger, and resentment so that you can access and expand your source consciousness.

It will teach a person to let go of lack, want, need, and desire.

It will teach that there is no reason to feel any sense of lack, for we are all that we are, and there is nothing we need to become.

We already have and are all that we need. It is a great crystal for anyone on a spiritual journey, starting over in life, or spiritual teachers and guides. 

Healing with Meteorite

♥ Emotional Balance ♥ Meditation♥ Anemia ♥ Blood♥ Feelings ♥ Spiritual

Meteorites are considered sacred stones with supernatural powers which aid in spiritual, emotional and physical healing.

These stones are debris from comets, asteroids, and meteoroids which manage to get the Earth’s atmosphere as precious healing gifts for us to benefit from.

When it comes to meteorites’ healing powers, it is believed that they contain very rare energy that can help their carrier be mentally and physically strong.

On a physical level, meteorites are believed to be able to address anemia, purify the blood and keep the body strong during long physical sickness.

Meteorites can be used daily to relieve stress, improve your focus and free your mind of the mental burden.

Meteorites help your keep your emotions and feelings in balance and lead you towards a better understanding of the self in order to reach a deep meditative state.

It is believed that these stones can give you a new direction in life while providing you the courage and strength you need to face pressure and difficulties.

Meteorites can connect you to the cosmos and help you access your psychic and clairvoyance abilities.

These stones can be used to balance and align your energetic fields and expand your consciousness beyond the current boundaries.

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